Glenn Lundy - What You Say MATTERS

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Glenn Lundy is a powerhouse figure in the automotive industry, renowned as America's foremost speaker. With a transformative mantra of Rise, Evolve, Impact Together, he ignites the spark to unlock your true potential. Guiding you to monumental success, Glenn champions the ethos that massive action fuels massive results—epitomized by the astounding 800% Elite Automotive achievement. Elevate your journey with Glenn Lundy, where greatness awaits.

Welcome to another exciting episode of Chicks in Charge! In this episode, we had the pleasure of speaking with renowned leader and entrepreneur, Glenn Lundy. With his extensive knowledge and experience, Glenn shared invaluable insights on various topics, from the significance of leadership to the need for adaptation in the automotive industry. Let's dive into some key takeaways from our conversation and discover how we can apply them in our own lives.

Glenn emphasizes the power of investing in ourselves before investing in others. By waking up early and dedicating quality time to personal growth, we can enhance our abilities, mindset, and overall well-being. Remember, every action should be seen as an investment, not merely a "spending" of time. Invest in yourself and reap the rewards in all aspects of your life.

The automotive industry, much like any other, needs to adapt and evolve to meet the changing needs and preferences of consumers. Glenn suggests leveraging modern tools and resources to create a more convenient and enjoyable experience, both for customers and employees. By embracing adaptation, we can increase the value and appeal of any industry or endeavor.
As parents, it's essential to observe and support each child's unique journey. Rather than pushing them in a specific direction, Glenn encourages us to recognize their natural talents and interests. By doing so, we can nurture their growth and help them develop into the best versions of themselves. Remember, each child is on their own path, and our role as parents is to provide guidance and support.

Glenn Lundy's insights have shed light on the power of investing, the necessity of adaptation, and the significance of supporting our children's journeys. By investing in ourselves, embracing change, and prioritizing our families, we can create positive transformations in our lives. Join us on this exciting episode of Chicks in Charge as we empower ourselves to take charge of our futures.


1. Language is powerful
2. Change your verbiage when it comes to your time. Invest time in others instead of “spending”
3. Focus on the return of your investments

"I make sure that everything I do is an investment with an expectation of a return, It changes everything. In business, the stock market, self development, AS WELL AS my time!." -Glenn Lundy

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Jess Burkhart & Shasta Haddock
Glenn Lundy - What You Say MATTERS
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